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Currently typing this with swollen cheeks and an ice pack wrapped around my head as I have had the pleasure of having my wisdom teeth removed this morning. Hopefully that mental image can leave you with some smiles otherwise it may just not be worth it.

Now I know that wisdom teeth is a very minor thing to have done to oneself, most people will at some point in their life have at least one wisdom tooth removed yet for me it was a terrifying concept.

Why? simply because I have anxiety. The environment demanded of me for the removal of my wisdom teeth is just not something I am capable of entering into calm and collected. Well as calm and collected as someone who does not suffer from anxiety, as some anxious feelings are to be expected. Walking into the surgery already medicated to ensure no anxiety attacks was a step in which I hope to one day be able to do by myself yet know I am not there yet.. BUT today I realized that is OKAY.

I’ve been struggling with admitting to myself that I have anxiety for years and this realization was so monumental to me I felt the need to share it because I am not alone. People out there have anxiety and they need to know that they aren’t alone & it is normal for them to to react how they do they are not overreacting. These two major ideas for years I could not understand.

You are not alone, you are normal, you are the best you! Anxiety does not make up who you are its only a fraction of the amazing person. Blog post anxiety